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Old 12-16-2006, 09:51 PM   #2663 (permalink)
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Originally Posted by swimintheundertow View Post
Why do I have to be an asshole? I didn't say anything demeaning. You're quite defensive. I wanted you to break down what free will is. You didn't do it and I'm not buying.
Yes, you were being quite condescending in your last post, and I dont appreciate that. And you didnt ask me to define or explain free will to you, you asked me how I make decisions. Learn how to read your own posts And how can you criticize me for believing in free will (which is just commom sense), when you are ignorantly sitting there denying the existance of anything? You are sitting at a computer. That is something. You are breathing air. That is something. You are weraing clothes. That is something. So how can you sit there and say it doesnt exist when your typing on it, breathing it, and wearing it? Are you retarded?
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