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Old 12-16-2006, 09:41 PM   #10 (permalink)
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Originally Posted by swimintheundertow View Post
Let's go even more elementary instead of repeating the same thing of what I believe let's get down to the basics of your logic. Like to the ridiculously stupid. How do you make a decision? Seriously I want to understand how I can gain back my free will and make good decisions.
If youre going to talk to me like I'm stupid (especially when youre the genius who is blatantly and outright denying the existance of anything ) then you can go f**k yourself. Now, how do I make a decision? I make a decision based on what I want, in combination with what will be the best for the whole. While I can choose whatever I want, per my free will, I tend to be a bit utalitarian in most aspects of my life. Anything else you would like me to help you with?
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