Originally Posted by Urban Hatemonger
I could tolerate it for about 3 episodes of the first series. After that it just got boring.I just don`t think Matt Lucas & David Walliams are that funny to be honest.I didn`t think much of Rock Profiles either.Harry Enfield & The Fast Show did this kind of thing a million times better.
Actually, the concept is identical to that of Little Britain, and if you got bored with LB you should have gotten bored with The fast show too. Some sketches are funny at first, they get a bit worn out after a while.
They still make me laugh though, although I'm only on the first episode of season two currently...a bit of diversity wouldn't hurt them.
Daffyd is funny as hell though, those welsh accents crack me up...plus,the transvestite. The fat dude's power of transformation is incredible.