Originally Posted by Raine
the spanish that you learn in school is never really enough to go to spanish speaking country and be able to communicate with the locals because most spanish countries have developed idioms that are unique to their country.
Like In Puerto Rico (although it isn't a country), made curse words out eevry day breakfast foods.
In argentina, there are like three different ways to say "you're a motherf*cker"
it's unbelievable.
I guess words/phrase that you might want to learn or need to know are slang terminology.
Like huevos. It means eggs. it also means d*ck in puerto rico.
la manzana means apple primarily However, if you go to Spain it also means Street.
So . . . if they're any specific countries yuo wish to go to, maybe you can tell us and we'll find helpful words or phrases for you.
yeah, there are hundereds of spanish vinaculars. around here the mexi's use "juevos" as "balls" or "nuts".