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Thread: The wicker man.
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Old 12-10-2006, 04:33 AM   #1 (permalink)
Join Date: Dec 2005
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Default The wicker man.

First they ruined 'The Italian job' and now 'The wickerman', britian rarely come out with any really timeless films so why does America insist on making ****ed up remakes? i fell asleep through it, i used to think Nicholas Cage was a good actor too that film was utter ****e.
It's like if someone wrote a really amazing film on pirates going into all the research, with subtle comedy and a great story plot and 20 years down the line some american producer dresses up some famous actors and they all shout 'arrrrr matey' down a ****ing camera.
God damn it, it pisses me off, anyway i'm done ranting.

any comments?
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