Originally Posted by right-track
UEFA must be furious. UEFA are bending over backwards to keep the Champions League format as it is.
There was a theory knocking around Manchester, when Glazier took over.
It was that eventually all the top European clubs would break away from the domestic leagues and form their own European League.
Controlling their own TV rights on a pay per view.
I think that`ll be career suicide.
People keep on about a european league but when it comes down to it I don`t think it`ll ever happen.
Attendences will plummit , can you really see 10,000 plus fans travelling to Spain one week , Germany another week , Sweden another week for a whole season.Sure the TV audience will be there but it won`t hide the lifeless half empty stadiums
Also , I don`t know about you but I would rather see games like Man Utd vs Man City , or Man Utd v Blackburn or Newcastle or West Ham , games with tradition & history rather than watch games against teams like Werder Breman or Locomotive Moscow.
Personally the reason I enjoy watching the champions league is because you don`t get match ups like Man Utd vs Real Madrid or Liverpool V Barcelona that often so when they do they`re an event.
I think it`s a horrible horrible idea that`ll kill off all whats good about football.
But on the other hand , Celtic & Rangers in the Premier League gets a thumbs up from me