Originally Posted by Raine
I'd rather we have a jewish guy ask to take an oath using the torah as opposed to the bible than a muslim guy taking his oath over the koran.
and i have nothing against muslims I just don't think there's much truth in the koran
You'e an idiot, keep your dumbass sh*t out of this thread. kthanks
Originally Posted by oojay
Well I guess if he swears in on the Koran and breaks his oath then he wont get 20 black-eyed virgins in heaven (if thats the way it works). To my own surprise im actually not that much against it (dont tell my fellow conservatives, i may be shot).
Nowhere in any Islamic doctrine does it state that Martyrs will be greeted by virgins in heaven.
That is propoganda spread by radical muslim extremists.
Originally Posted by Raine
hamm a poor defenseless child went to his father's tent.
his father was in a drunken stupor and a state of nakedness. he punished his son for looking at him while he was naked and saw it as a form of perversion.
at any rate, let's get rid of our judicial system. all our courts. everyone should await judgement from god.
and then murderes will roam freely and be legally allowed to purchase guns and whatever.
besides, america is a democratic republic not a theocracy. do a ay wit the oath swearing over a religious book.
keeping in mind there have bene no successful theocracies. look at salem.
You don't know a whole lot about history do you?
Imperial China was one of the longest and most successful civilizations to date.
It was also a Theocracy.