Black Flag - Modern Man, Loose Nut, Annihilate this week
Circle Jerks - Beat Me Senseless, dude, wild in the streets
Bad Religion - Big Bang, i want to conquer the world
The Faction - Skate & Destroy
Dead Kennedys - Holiday in Cambodia, police truck
Anti-Flag - Got the Numbers, Sold as Freedom
Rise Against - Torches
NOFX - The Brews, electricity
The Clash - White Riot
Minor Threat - Seein Red
Pennywise - Wouldn't it be Nice, Bro Hymn
Descendants - Coolidge
A Global Threat - The Maine Punx
Only Crime - To The Nines
Misfits - Skulls
Subhumans - Religious Wars, I killed Mickey Mouse
GBH - Crush 'em
Social Distortion - Don't Drag Me Down
Adolescents - ameoba
Fear - Beef Bologna
Living tommorow in everyones sorrow
Modern man's daydreams have turned into nightmares
-Henry Rollins