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Old 10-25-2006, 07:18 AM   #18 (permalink)
DearJenny's Avatar
Join Date: Mar 2006
Location: Metro Detroit, MI
Posts: 1,321

I live and work in Oakland County, Michigan which is the second richest county in the United States. I work in the richest part of this county, Bloomfield Hills and all day we get what I like to call "Bloomfield Bitches" which are the middle aged women who have obviously had too much plastic surgery because their skin looks tighter than their daughters' and they carry around little dogs typically in little purses and treat me like ****. Even worse are the spawn of these people who have grown up with absolutely everything and practically throw their limitless credit card at me and bitch about the cost of everything even though they can more than afford it.

Then there's my coworkers....
One is a complete bitch who has worked there forever and thinks she is the boss. I mess up on one thing and she bitches but if I pointed out something she messed up on.....she still bitches.

The other is cool most of the time but she likes to control my life by practically ordering me to stop seeing guys because they're no good for me. She has also worked there for 10+ years and is JUST graduating college at the age of 28.

Oh, theres a black stock guy that likes to hit on me all the time and makes sexual comments that I really dont appreciate, he's also 30(Theres another 27 year old stock guy that hits on me but he's the boss' son and absolutely adorable so I dont mind. lol)

My manager has to be the coolest of them all but he's a **** about the scedule. You better not ask to leave early. ever. Dont attempt to get out of your scheduled time. Oh, and its okay to sit there while doing absolutely NOTHING if you're talking to him but if you're chatting it up with anyone else, you better be working.

My boss is a "bloomfield bitch" and she is trying to get me fired. True, she can fire me because she is the boss, but it would be strange if she just fired me for no reason. Luckily, I'm a good employee so I dont have to worry about anything. Hopefully she doesnt find out about my secret money scam. HAHAHA. No raise in a year and two months and counting.......I deserve a few extra bucks from the company.

If I went on about my friends this thing coul be a page friends are absolutely nuts.
So here's to living life miserable.
And here's to all the lonely stories that I've told.
Maybe drinking wine will validate my sorrow.
Every man needs a muse and mine could be the bottle.
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