I have an old guy that I work with that I have to retrain everyday, I will come in early for my shift to allow me to finish my coffee and have a smoke and I have to bail his stupid ass out on my own time because in the 2 years he has worked here he hasn't retained any information. Also to boost my enthusiasm for this geriatric he will belch or fart at any given time, last week he farted and was standing so close to me that I felt the breeze on my leg. I told him that if he did that again that I would punch him directly in the f*ckhole in the center of his face, he seemed mildly taken aback by my candor.
Truckers: The most disgusting people on the planet. The sights and smells that I am subjected to during an average workday no person should have to endure. I walked past our driver's lounge one day and one of these ignoramus's was flipping through a National Geographic with his hand down his pants. If you can't flip through a National Geographic without having a wank you got problems, I mean every truck stop in the world sells proper wank material and you could probably dump your nuts somewhere other than my waiting room.
There is more but I will edit later