Hate that.
Although I don't like most of the poeple in my year, I ignore them most of the time. Yesterday someone thought it would be funny if the took the screws out of the whiteboard. when the caretaker went to move it, he almost had his fingers shorn off when it came loose and fell on his hand. Very funny. Ha****ingha. and noone even owned up, let alone apologised to the guy.
There's also those bloody bimbo died blonde annoying as hell girls who never shut the hell up in class and scream ALL THE ****ING TIME. They never shut up. Never. YOu'd be having a good conversation with someone or listening to music, when a group of them or even just two of them would come in, start talking really loudly and then look at you as if you were dirt on the ground. Once one of them actually said "stop listening to our conversation". You came into this room, not me, and it's not my fault someone in the next bloody country can hear you. If you want a private conversation, go somewhere private, not a bloody classroom with people already in it. Feck's sake.
"I found it eventually, at the bottom of a locker in a disused laboratory, with a sign on the door saying "Beware of the Leopard". Ever thought of going into Advertising?"
- Arthur Dent