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Old 10-23-2006, 11:00 AM   #1 (permalink)
Urban Hat€monger ?
The Sexual Intellectual
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Default Describe The People You Have To Put Up With Everyday

It doesn`t matter if you are a work , school ,collage or whatever you`re always with a bunch of people that you don`t choose to be. Feel free to vent your anger about them here and share your tormet at being stuck with these losers.

Here`s what I have to put up with everyday

A 20 year old drama queen who gets all stroppy when you stop paying attention to her for longer than 2 minutes and who never does any work and who turns on the waterworks should you even give her the slightest bit of criticism.The type of person who`ll come up to you when your having a private conversation & ask 'What are you saying about me'

A woman in her 40s who just laughs & jokes when I try to tell her to stop making mistakes.

A guy a couple of years older than me who won`t shut up about football and seems to think i`m some kind of expert at it too.Random question the other day.... 'So how are Queens Park doing in the league this year' ... Like i`m some kind of expert about Scottish lower league football.

A lesbian in her early 40s who looks down her nose at everybody

An alcoholic

An old woman who seems to think I give a sh*t about her cat just because I have one.

Bad day at work? .... YES !!!!!

Urb's RYM Stuff

Most people sell their soul to the devil, but the devil sells his soul to Nick Cave.
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