Music Banter - View Single Post - fav/best/killa punx songs
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Old 12-16-2004, 04:23 PM   #1 (permalink)
Unpatriot Act
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Default fav/best/killa punx songs

wut are yer fav punk songs? i think thereve been threads like this before, but f*ck it. let's do it again. dont complain about it either.

mine (no particular order):
Minor threat- good guys dont wear white
agent orange- bloodstains
the exploited- law for the rich
danzig- black angel, white angel
the unseen- live in fear
casualties- die hards
sex pistols- EMI
the blood brothers- american vultures
Le tigre- the the empty
ramones- beat on the brat
black flag- drink and drive
circle jerks- killing for jesus
operation ivy- caution
against all authority- freedom
social distortion- ball and chain
the cramps- bikini girls with machine guns
tiger army- cupid's victim
dead kennedys- california uber alles
crass- mickey mouse is dead
anti flag- stars and stripes

anybody like ANY of these songs, huh?
what is the mind?
no matter.
what is matter?
never mind.
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