Originally Posted by Urban Hatemonger
No i`ve never really understood why people think boxers can only punch either.
Tyson would kill the guy , the guy is an animal.
are you serious? i know tyson had unmatched punching power, but shamrock was known to knock people out with one shot as well. and yes its possible that tyson would know how to throw effective kicks and grapple too, but thats highly unlikely. did anybody see ortiz/shamrock I? although it was a poor performance for ken (who was nearly 40 at the time mind you), he took 3 rounds of non-stop punishment and only lost b/c his corner threw in the towel. so even if tyson threw his best at shamrock, shamrock could have taken it IMO. Shamrock also has a tremendous wrestling background (and no im not referring to his pro wrestling), which im quit sure tyson doesnt. and im also pretty sure that tyson knows very few submissions. it would be a no contest. Shamrock for sure.