Originally Posted by oojay
who would win in a fight? Mike Tyson in his prime ('88-'92) or Ken Shamrock ('93-'95)?
after thinking it over, id probably put my money on shamrock, even though tyson could take his head off with one punch, ken is a shoot fighter and could most likely take tyson down easily and submit him.
Take Tyson down easily?!?!Hell, he probally couldn't do much to Tyson even now.

In Tyson's prime he could and would "kill" everybody he came in contact with.Shamrock wouldn't stand a chance against him, period.If Shamrock, in some of your guys' opinions, could take down Tyson, why wasn't he ever able to even contend with him?Do you love Shamrock that much or are trying to promote a fight for him or something?Tyson beats Shamrock anyday!I'd put Big Money on that one.