Originally Posted by right-track
I don't think the U.S. or the U.K./allies, have much of a choice really.
After all, if we don't control things for our own benefit, (forget all the other bullshit they tell you) then someone else will.
Which isn't good for our future economy, or security.
And forget about Korea, it's just another smokescreen. Same as WMD was for Iraq.
Iran will be next and for the same nuclear excuse as Korea, only difference is, Iran have oil and Korea have nothing we need.
Make a fuss about Korea, then whack Iran. Classic.
Don't get me wrong, I actually think it's the right thing to do.
Like I said, if we don't someone else will. I just can't stand all the usual bullshit reasons they wheel out everytime.
since when did this become US vs North Korea? ths US is just part of the UN, along with alot of other countries (including the UK), who are trying to do whats best for the world. and Iran funds and sponsors terrorism. is that good for the world?......nope. is it good for that
dick-weed kim jong-il to hav enuclear capabilities....nope. so dont write this off as the US trying to run the world, lets not be so neive.