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Old 10-12-2006, 10:24 PM   #6 (permalink)
boo boo
Dr. Prunk
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Originally Posted by Stone Magnet View Post
2. 'Nevermind' is Nirvana's weakest studio album.

3. Led Zeppelin had fuck all to do with metal.
This isn't an unpopular opinion, since many people do believe it, and of course it dosen't change the fact that it's incorrect.

8. Jeff Buckley's best song was a cover.
Mojo Pin = Not a cover.

Yeah I know it's your opinion, and it's my opinion that I have the right to criticize it.


King Crimson > Can.

Yes > Roxy Music, mwahahaha.

Brian Enos work with Robert Fripp, anything else Eno has done.

Led Zeppelin are a great band, and yes here that IS an unpopular opinion.

I love U2, Fleetwood Mac, The Eagles, Pearl Jam and most bands Urban and over a third of the MB populice dispises.

And chances are I loath many of the bands you do like.

Modest Mouse is the worst band in music history, anyone who disagrees is just wrong. Bad guitarist, bad bassist, bad drummer, bad vocalists, bad lyrics, bad melodies, there is nothing positive you can say about them, and if you do have something postitive to say, chances are I will dislike you as a person.

Metallica may be overrated, but they are still better than any extreme metal band I have ever heard.

Nirvana do not f*cking sound like Pixies, and as opposed to the well regarded belief among Indie losers, Nirvana make better music as well.

Oh yeah, and Pixies are goddamned overrated as holy f*ck here, there and everywhere (intentional Beatles reference).

Nick Drake is an incredibly dull "musician" with a voice like a robot who strums over a poorly tuned accoustic guitar he dosen't even know how to play all the while trying to be all "personal" and "emotional" and failing miserably.

Most Emo dosen't suck balls, but most Indie sure as hell does.

Megadeth are talented, but I still find them completely unlistenable.

Johnny Thunders is NOT a very good guitarist, even if his punk rock influence should not be ignored.

Why this will hurt my prog cred greatly, I find Marillion to be incredibly dull, Steve Rothery is a pretty good guitarist though, even if he is a shameless Gilmour ripoff.

Gilmour > Barrett.

Everyone here loves Simplicity, nothing wrong with that, I just find Complexity to be more rewarding.

I don't care how good a songwriter you are if I can't even f*cking listen to your vocals, as far as I'm concerned, Leonard Cohen is trash.

Interpol are worse than Nickelback.
It's only knock n' knowall, but I like it

Originally Posted by Strummer521
Originally Posted by Crowquill View Post
I only listen to Santana when I feel like being annoyed.
I only listen to you talk when I want to hear Emo performed acapella.
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