Originally Posted by Crowquill
haha, in some SOAD thread werent you going off at me and moses for picking on you because you were a n00b and how unfair it was...
Haha, yeah, but now I have like six months experience here and its like the first time i've called someone a newb. And you have to admit, my music taste has gotten a LOT better. Thank you musicbanter! *thumbs up, wink and a smile*
Originally Posted by Donnie Drunko
and you would know what innovative and influential sound like? what are you, twelve? being innovative requires introducing a new and never before seen idea, and Tool definitely does NOT fall into that category.
They experiment with time signatures in mainstream music, they bring an original sound to mainstream, they sell out shows because they're actually talented, not some two-bit hacks that try to call their noise music, Tool is a great band!