I actually use Rikku quite a lot. She's no good at hand to hand but if you have the right supplies its ace. I normally have Tidus and Auron for attacking. Lulu for elemental, effective magic. And then Rikku for indirect attacks like throwing bombs at flying monsters.
Anyway, my favorite is X. Second is VIII. Third would be a tie between X-2 and IX. I still havent gotten my hands on a copy of VII, though I'm really trying.
I like playing IX for the music most. I even bought the soundtrack. Its just so well put together. X has good music as well.
I think the relationships between Squall and Rinoa in VIII and Tidus and Yuna is X are very touching. Zidane and Garnet was somewhat an immature romance.
And my favorite bad guys are Seifer and Kuja because they were so damn cocky.
So here's to living life miserable.
And here's to all the lonely stories that I've told.
Maybe drinking wine will validate my sorrow.
Every man needs a muse and mine could be the bottle.