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Old 09-01-2006, 05:26 PM   #328 (permalink)
Urban Hat€monger ?
The Sexual Intellectual
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Originally Posted by ShadowSurfer
Listen to the difference between Jones era Stones and Taylor era Stones.
A much greater gap in variety of sounds and styles than The Beatles, just because Harrison noodled a Sitar all over something.
I`m not so sure thats true.

The Stones were always a blues based band who played pop/rock , maybe with a couple of blues/soul covers thrown in . They experimented with psychadelia on Satanic Majesties & Flowers but when it was obvious that didn`t really suit them they pretty much went back to what they knew with Beggers Banquet & Let it Bleed and give or take the odd song they`ve pretty much stayed with that.

I don`t see much progression between Jones leaving & Taylor joining , there wasn`t that much of a drastic change in sound between Jones last album Beggers Banquet & Let It Bleed which they both played on as opposed to Sticky Fingers & Exile which were all Taylor. In fact if anything they went back to their blues roots on exile.

I certainly don`t think it`s anywhere near the progession the Beatles made between Help through Rubber Soul , Revolver up to the White Album which was a phenominal change in direction, it almost sounds like a different band in some cases.

Oh and if you are wondering , I prefer the Stones to the Beatles.

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