Originally Posted by Crowquill
Awesome listt, add Saetia/Hot Cross, Cap'n Jazz, Trophy Scars (pre-alphabets), Thursday, Million Dead, Bloody Brothers, Fall Of Troy, Converge and mines the same. Well roughly, maybe Ampere, You & I, and Welcome The Plague year would be lower then some other bands.
it were to seem that you an myself have a very similar taste in music, that's awesome. i am sure you know that wtpy, hot cross, you and i, and saetia all share similar members. many of whom i went to high school with. i have a couple of questions for you, "Crowquill, that is an obvious reference to ctts correct, and when you cite bloody brothers, is that a different band from the blood brothers. thursday, converge, cap'n jazz and fot are almost always in my cd rotation, all though i've never heard of trophy scars or million dead. are they good, any comparisons?