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Old 08-29-2006, 01:09 AM   #75 (permalink)
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Originally Posted by Blainka
You ignorant little prick
Actually, saying everything sucks except for one class isn't ignorant if it's true. And second: if I'm little, then what does that make a whiny little twelve year old like you?

Originally Posted by riseagainstrocks
1. You do not understand what makes a good MeloDeath album. It's not the marketability or the verse/chorus/verse structure SOTS had. It's the meaning behind it. The feeling. The anger. And SOTS as good as it was, doesn't have that like With Fear I Kiss The Burning Darkness and stuff. .
So sorry, I didn't realise that there was someone out there smarter than me. You must truly understand what makes a good metal album much, much more than me. I stand corrected.

2. Haha, dude I'm sure you're smart, but saying your opinion is right therefor you are more intelligent is total bull****.
Actually it's the inverse of that statement which is true.

3. Opeth writes better songs than you. Go listen to that trendy "prog" rock that is Dream Theatre. John F. is calling. He wants you to suck his **** some more
John F? Oh you mean Petrucci. Man, DT have one great album and it was a masterpiece. You tell me why it wasn't, and I'll give you an in depth documentation explaining why Cynic sucks.

And in no way is prog "trendy," and it certaintly wouldn't be the reason why I enjoy it.

I forgot to reply to "Opeth writes better songs than you." so I will now...

No they don't.
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