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Old 08-28-2006, 11:56 AM   #5 (permalink)
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Location: dirty jersey, usa
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Originally Posted by Urban Hatemonger
Then if it`s doing it for yourself then that means if you want it to be about fashion then it can be.

People who come out with this stuff always tend to overlook that.
that is true. i a basically referring to the people who say you have to look certain way to fit into a certain scene. and these young kids who see a video on mtv and think they have to look a certain way to fit into a scene. look at the insert to the ink and dagger s\t cd or the orchid "chaos is me/dance tonight" cd, or even the ampere "all our tomorrows end today" cd. this is what i am talking about. if you think looking a certain way justifies a way of life, than live like that.
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