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Old 08-28-2006, 08:48 AM   #1 (permalink)
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Default is punk a fasion or a way of life?

i have been in the punk\hardcore scene for almost a decade. i have seen many changes in style. (i.e. clothing and music.) but the one thing that seems to stay the same with the "real" people in the scene is their beliefs. i hate the people who say you have to look certian way, comb your hair, wear certian clothes, or add "punk" accesories to your outfit. punk is not a fashion. punk is self-preservation. doing for you, having fun and being yourself. i have been listening to screamo for a long time, and i hate when people say, hey you don't have black hair and tight pants. you don't weigh 70 lbs. you don't belong. punk is not a fashion. check yourself before you check the label.

"i'll be original, so long as someone does it first?"
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