hobojesus' extraordinary holiday
Or not. I've been away for a bit due to a family holiday with my Mom and Nan. Last one of them I'll be attending. British holiday suck balls, honestly. If any of you Yanks want to go to England for your holiday DON'T. Unless you enjoy being attacked by bloody wasps, waking up at 6 in the morning because a pigeon who has had a few to many leftovers in his time has decided to walk all over your caravan roof or you love the sound of the sea behind a billion small children crying because the ice cream tastes like ****.
Oh, and if you like your drink squirted out of a pump behind a mucky bar run by an 18 year old git who eyes up your Mom, then by all means go.
and if you also enjoy being perved over by a *** bloke who works in Debenhams then you should also go to.
I had a WHALE of a time, as you can probably tell. And to top it all off? I lost those beads that Fal said were g@y in some high grass. I threw a stone and they all flew off. Those were the bracelets though, then I went and broke the necklaces. My wrists and neck feel bare!
So thanks Weymouth, for 2 GREAT weeks. Now **** off out of my life and long live cheap foreign holidays with tarty Spanish women who aren't old enough to be your Nan!