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Old 08-16-2006, 08:10 PM   #10 (permalink)
Expletive Deleted
Dancing Machine
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Right now I hardly play my 360, so it's currently sitting in my dad's office at work. Right now the library of games for it is pretty shallow, which is the only real problem I had with the first Xbox. The few good console exclusives that the 360 has can be found on PC, which I prefer. As for the Wii, I'm told by friends who've played it that the controller is very easy to use and you don't look "ridiculous" when you do it. Despite it's lack of third-party support (like all Nintendo consoles), Nintendo consoles continue to be some of the best around. It may not sell as much as the 360 or the PS3, but in the long run the sheer quality and quantity of it's good games are worth it alone. I'll definitely be getting a PS3. It's pretty much guaranteed a great game library, graphics, support, etc. It's going to be easily worth the price and the wait for it.
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