From First To Last
Describe yourself:: The Latest Plague
Are You a Male or Female:: Female
How do some people feel about you:: Kiss Me im Contagious
How do you feel about yourself:: Note to Self
Describe your ex girlfriend/boyfriend:: Secrets dont Make Friends
Describe your current girlfriend/boyfriend:: Populace in Two
Describe where you want to be:: Failure by Designer Jeans
Describe what you want to be:: Feauturing Some of Your Words
Describe how you live:: Shame, Shame
Describe how you love:: I Like u Better when you were naked on the internet
Share a few words of wisdom: The Crows are Coming for Us
I'm a mess of insecurities
Attention starved with a narcissistic twist
Don't you think that I'm amazing?
Please tell me I'm worth dating
I have every reason not to leave home today