Originally Posted by Thrice
The problem with kids these days is you go out of town for the weekend and you happen to pop on the comp and see some effing retard named eru. Sorry i dont have time to delete his posts, but ill work on it when i get back.
I like the sarcasm.
Anyhow, . . . . .
Oh crudamucker somebody give me a damned nuttter butter. i haven't had one in two days and I think I'm seeing spots.
So at any rate, I think that a new trend is set every day. About a year ago a trend was to wear safety pins in your ears which I still do from time to time. And i never did it because I liked goth music so much or anything. I just thought it looked cool.
And the whole black clothes all the time is not a must. It's a goth thing I know but i know plenty of people who don't wear all black clothes and consider themselves goth just because they listen to the music as much as the next person.
And it is not necessarily punk to have piercings covering more than half your body and in places that I don't wanna know about.
So why don't all of yous just hold hands, sing kumbayah and get over it. Be appreciative of the fact that you have ears and no what good music sounds like.
And the problem with kids today is that so easily succumb to peer pressure. I know that may seem like a foreign word in a thread like this but it's true.
Yous are all so quick to change your ways and style because your best friend says that all black is in. But then the next day it's tye dye shirts. Get a life, get over all of these crazy fads and just enjoy the futhermucking bizacci music.
And in all honesty I don't give two nutter butters for all of this stereotypical stuff. It's pointless. Through most of what I've said, I've been trying to say that it doesn't matter what you wear or how you wear your hair. What it all boils down to is that the music will still be at your dispsoal whether you meet the stereotypical criteria to listen to it. I mean relaly. It's not like if you don't waer all black the music will just disappear. Yous are all smoking.
Man that was cheesy and off topic. (I want my fothermucking bizacci sugar. Confizzled you are I know. But that's ok cause i'm all ceecee-dizzled out. I'm on the fritz and I'm holding on to the edge of my life with a single starburst and the PS2 I built all by myself with some help from my friend)
Peace out
Gone for sugar but will be back in 2.