its kool to be emo nowerdays
its all about the image
you all like bands no1 has ever heard off because its "kool"
you have to wear tight black cloths cos all the emo kids do
its "kool" to have parents who abuse you cos that makes you proper emo
you have to be depressed and slit your wrists alot
so bassically emo kids are just attension seeking ****tards who all need to be beating with a baseball bat with the inscriptions "AC/DC" carved on it.
its not "kool" to be depressed, its actually quite sad.
your not going to be popular or get a girlfriend by being emo.
you just depress others around u
do us all a favour and kill yourselves, and rid us all of your depressing attitude and whineing about being dumped
this goes for all your goths too.
by the way, im a rocker, i like AC/DC, Led Zep, Iron Maiden, Green Day, Bad Religion.......HAPPY bands
Originally Posted by Thrice
I like to slit my wrists...but usually after I cry. Sometimes I go to the coffee shop after I buy black hair dye for my parted hair...