I'm still making a list of things i'd like to do with my boyfriend before I turn 52.
To add to the list I've started:
1) a trip to hawaii. Sex on the the beach when the tides are up and it's just turned to dusk.
2) I've never had a candle lit dinner before but now seems to be the time to think about putting some consideration into it. So eat one the table and f*ck underneathe it. I guess I should think this through more fully so if i hate it I the idea of candle lit dinners after this at least I can say I tried it. Chicken marasala, potato salad, white wine or skyy, peach cobbler and stuffed peppers and stuffed shrimp. I imagine I'll probably wear either a red or black dress. And I really don't are too much baout what rob is wearing since it's only gonna come off anyway
3) I've never been to fond of the thought of sex in a public rest room and people who suggest this are either desperate or freaky. Not encesarily horny and a fiend for sex. But I would like to have sex in say the back of a independent book store. I imagine that after the first orgasm I'd probably try and quote something outa Castaneda or Poe or something like that.
4) The thought of sex in an alley doesn't appeal to me either but on a fire escape, that I'd do.
5) and rob has never mentioned this and I've never had the desire to do this but if he ever asked to video tape us in the act, I'd say no but suggest having sex in front of a mirror.
6) and since rob likes it rough I imagine that immediately after one of my soccer games or basketball games we could do it under the bleachers with the sounds of school related people screaming and shouting either because of our victory or booing and arguing because we lost. Either or we could definitely still do it under the bleachers. Although I imagine I'd rather do it after a soccer game because the chances of us getting caught are slimmer.
7) I'd like for rob to just one day come home overly horny (which has happened before) and just taking his time with things. "Good things come to those that wait" "Those who wait come good"

Granted we've done this before, but not recently.
And I'll be back to add to this ever growing list