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Thread: Your Phobia
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Old 07-31-2006, 07:33 AM   #16 (permalink)
The Ten Thousandth Fist
Music Taste is Subjective
Join Date: Jun 2006
Location: Hell if I know.
Posts: 79

Well let's see... I don't have too many phobias, but one of them is definitely being alone in life. I'm still somewhat afraid of death (dunno what that's actually called) though.

Heights? Don't really like 'em a whole bunch, but I don't freak out. And I don't like being unable to move around. If I have to sit in one position for a while, especially with other things cluttered closely around me, I start getting a tad... well, not claustrophobic, but close to it.
"There was nothing about her that a vasectomy of the vocal cords wouldn't fix."
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