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Old 12-01-2004, 09:13 PM   #6 (permalink)
Full-Time Hellion
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Anything by Pearl Jam.
I have several posters in my room of theirs. WHen ever I get stressed I just blow darts at them.

I hate Avril Lavigne with a vengeance. She isn't punk. She isn't even emo. She most definitely isn't rock. She isn't music either. I have about as much respect for her as I do for Barbie.

ColdPlay. They're not even a band. They're a bunch of 5 years old softly wailing. I can't stand them.
Their song In our Place drove me nuts.

Tommy Lee's solo album wasn't bad. It just got over played until I wanted to shoot myself.

50 cent. Enough said. I hate him with a passion

There are tons more out there.
I should at least be grateful I have some degree of tolerance for these people cause if I didn't they wouldn't be alive right now.
A pair of powerful spectacles has sometimes sufficed to cure a person in love.

~ Friedrich Nietzsche
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