Originally Posted by franscar
Basic story.
Boy is quiet. New girl starts at school. Boy finds her attractive but can't get courage to ask her out. Girl has trouble settling in because she likes the wrong type of music to be cool. Boy and girl make chance meeting, make it at an emo concert full of emo types. Boy and girl become friends. Boy and girl go out lots, hold hands, possibly even have sex  . Girl becomes confused. Boy becomes upset by this confusion. Girl cheats on boy with "cool" boy who obviously likes rap and wears football shirts. Boy is distraught. Writes in his journal. Girl is then treated badly by "cool" boy. Girl realises her mistake. Boy then either turns her down or takes her back. The end.
Hope that helps. 
that looks like a typical american film, i think it's not very emo...(but, if u ask Thrice he'll say that everything is emo...even britney spears...

anyway, there's no need of sex in a film, that makes the film more superficial. i agree with oi_to_the_world, it should have one of those sad leave-it-hanging endings. that's more interesting