i only started writing lyrics this weekend,
just think of some thing you hate or made you sad and just write what comes to your head dude

heres one of my songs(it only toulk me 10mins so it aint finalised

Disposable lover
I’m walking down the line that divides you and me,
There’s something inside, there’s more to your life,
Is it you who decides, if there is a you and me,
Handle me with care my heartbreaks easily.
Just do what you want now,
Don’t keep it inside,
Or it’ll be the end of your life,
Burn the pictures, forget the signs,
The line is now miles and it can’t be changed,
Oceans separate you and me,
Hearts no longer intertwined,
Struck down by your hate,
I lie bleeding across your flour.
To die is what I long for,
Kill me, bleed me,
Take my life like the love you once gave me,
I have nothing to live for,
Dispose of me now forget my love.
I’m nothing without you,
Just an empty shell of what was you and me.
Forget me, you don’t love me,
I’m your disposable love,
Used and abused,
Fulfill my destiny.
Kill me.
comments would be appreciated hehe:P