Originally Posted by Irish_Bastard
Really well now your just being prejudiced. Just because Mike is Japanese doesnt give you the right to say that all of his fans are addicted to anime. You make me sick do us all a favour and just dissapear before this gets ugly.
I'd like to see you try and get a recording contract. Its one of the hardest things to do and I guess Mike deserves it.
But until you shut your dumbass mouth im going in guns blazin. So I got 2 words for you bring it 
Bring it? Who are you? George W. Bush?
Fort Minor is a horrible attempt at Mike to get some credibilty in the rap game, since everyone else was laughing at him do his white boy raps in Linkin Park. Fort Minor is rap for people who don't know/like what rap music is. That is pretty clearly proven when every positive reply you have gotten to this band goes something like "I don't really like rap music, but Fort Minort is awesome!!!"
The reason I said that all his fans listen to anime, is not because he is japanese, and you really could have fooled me about him being japanese, what is he, 1/8? I said that all his fans like anime, because the only rabid Fort Minor fans are the same kids that are obsessed with Linkin Park, and the same kids that are obsessed with Linkin Park are the same kids that religiously watch Cowboy BeBop and Inuyasha on TV.
And for the record, Fort Minor sucks big floppy d*ck.
Now "bring it"