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Thread: Hey everyone...
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Old 07-11-2006, 07:59 PM   #1 (permalink)
Music Addict
Join Date: Jul 2006
Posts: 38
Default Hey everyone...

...hows it goin'? Just though I'd take a few minutes and post an obligatory introdution thread. Maybe I'll post again in the "get to know me thread", but what the hey, just save some time and read it here.
K, here goes...
My name is Jeff, I'm from Texas, and know I don't own a horse, cow, cowboy hat/boots, or a large belt buckle.
I'm 33...I know, I know...ancient to most of you.
I work in a topless bar as a DJ, some call it a dream job, mostly it's a nightmare. All those songs most of you can't stand...well yeah, I hear them I'm starting back to school in the fall...only took me about 15 years to figure out what I wanted to do with my life...graphic arts/3d animation. Time will tell if I'm good at it or not, hehe.
So anyway, I'm into computers, drums, and yeah music, obviously.
Yeah...the music. I like a variety. Old, new, whatever:mostly into rock and metal at the moment, but that can change tomorrow.
Well, I've yapped long enough...thanks for reading, and I'll see you in the threads.
Hey're suckin'.
I Suck At YTMND's
Galactic Cowboys and Kings X-The only 2 good bands from Houston.
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