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Old 07-11-2006, 01:54 AM   #10 (permalink)
Music Addict
Join Date: Dec 2005
Posts: 418

Originally Posted by blackTshirt
we don't care about your preferences, the thread was about beauty tips
plus you say those are things that make a woman beautiful
i don't think curly hair means you're ugly, but you seem to think straight hair makes you beautiful.
so.. correct this: "I'll describe what a beautiful woman would most likely look like" to "I'll describe what a beautiful woman would most likely look like FOR ME"
okay done my job here
Man, you must be one of those curly hair bitches, If you think I was simply degrading you or anyone else with curly hair, then you're wrong.I simply said that if ya got straight hair, I'd prefer it that way instead of curly.Yes, that was a tip to make someone beautiful just like the thread initially asked.I didn't say all curly haired women were ugly either, I simply said it would be a good reason to dump someone though, if I was already questioning the relationship, ya see?Well, I guess you haven't been in enough relationships to understand, but don't get mad at me because of that.You are what you are and so is everybody else.Stay ugly if that's what you prefer, I don't mind.

And yes, your job is done...
...if spamming was your job, that is.
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