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Old 07-11-2006, 12:09 AM   #8 (permalink)
Music Addict
Join Date: Dec 2005
Posts: 418

Originally Posted by Raine
As for make up. . . it depends on the occasion. Although the natural look is always optional

As for hair and shampoo. . . I am of no use I don't think. . . so I'll have to touch on that later.
Well, since you mentioned hair, but wasn't ready to speak on it I'll speak.First of all, different people are attracted to different styles of hair whether it's a comb, cut, style, color, etc..., but the main point is to be confident with what you have and keep it clean everyday, ya see?Now that I mentioned the idea of people styling or coloring their hair one way or the other, I'd have to say that the best hairstyle to have from the start is straight hair.Curly hair, I feel, simply isn't all that sexy to constantly have.If ya wake up with a bed-head too and your partner sees your bed-head all of a sudden, it looks a lot more on the frightening side that if it was simply straight.This doesn't even matter whether it's short or long, although short hair is "less of a mess" to see.When it comes to girls though, I would have to say that most men prefer long hair on women, so if it's not straight, try to straighten it more and let it grow out long and beautiful.Straight hair is what I prefer and think is very sexy, so when I see commercials showing something to curl your hair I just think "are you kiddin' me?", but some people do like that hairstyle though, so do whatever you think will work best.If a girl has straight hair from the start, yet all of a sudden decides to use that curling stuff, I'd find her so much less desirable and attractive.If I was already thinking of breaking up with her, that would be a reason why I'd immediately have to say yes.

Adding to this discussion, hair color can be fun and the cool thing about it is that you can switch from one color to the other with no regrets if one color doesn't work out, ya know?I myself find darkhaired women quite attractive and actually prefer many of them over blondes, unlike what most would think.Yes, alot of men are hot for blondes (and so am I too), but the color of the hair isn't always the most important, as I previously said.I also think lipstick is another great thing to make a lady sexier to the eye and taste.I've seen women with many different shades/colors of lipstick going from pink to dark red.For the most part, I think lipstick should be worn by all attractive ladies and would recommend just a basic red for the color.I don't think women should cover their faces with a lot of stuff either.As others have said before, the natural beauty is what matters most from the start...
...especially if the ladies are looking for a long lasting relationship.If it's a one night stand, fine, cover yourself up and let it be a one night stand, but that night, just like the natural beauty, will fade away by the next day.

So I don't keep on going on for too long, I'll describe what a beautiful woman would most likely look like:

1. Confident, with intelligence and personality.

2. Clean skin with no need for any covering lotions...natural beauty is great!!!

3. Straight hair, preferably long although short is fine as long as it's not too short.

4. Wears lipstick that showcases her beautiful, sexy lips.By the way, the lipstick is also a great incentive if you really wan't the guy to kiss you, provided it looks clear and glossy and isn't smudged on the face.

5. Eye color really doesn't matter much (to me atleast), but I do think I also prefer the darker colors for them as, brown, green.

6. I like girls with their hair colored black, brown, dark red and sometimes a mixed combination.A dominating girl with long, straight black hair with red highlights sounds sexy.The same could be said for long, straight red hair with black too.

7. Lose weight and keep in shape.If you're already in good shape then stay in shape!!!(Just another tip.)

8. I like women that are atleast 5' 5" tall, but could fall for a shorter woman if my heart told me to.Afterall, the power of love could make you fall in love with even your worst

9. I don't like naggers, plain and!!!

10. Don't ask for and depend on all of my money all the time.Maybe you could even work a little yourself, ya hear?Cheers to beautiful people.
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