Music Banter - View Single Post - simple plan are crap
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Old 11-28-2004, 11:19 PM   #2 (permalink)
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ok, I know you're new, so don't take this as being directed at you alone. Everyone, stop making new threads about how much simple plan or good charlotte suck, there are already a zillion threads composed entirely of people bitching about these bands, so state your opinions in one of those. actually, scratch that. I'd rather have everyone refrain from saying ANYTHING, anywhere about simple plan or good charlotte, because I guaruntee you, anything you want to say about them has already been said a billion times over. again, i_love_tom_delonge, please don't take this as an attack towards you personally, you just posted this at a bad time, when the subject has been discussed WAY too many times.
What you've done becomes the judge of what you're going to do -- especially in other people's minds. When you're traveling, you are what you are right there and then. People don't have your past to hold against you. No yesterdays on the road.
William Least Heat Moon, Blue Highways

Your toughest competitor lives in your head. Some days his name is fear, or pain, or gravity. Stomp his ass.

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