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Old 06-30-2006, 06:27 PM   #1 (permalink)
Music Addict
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Posts: 418
Default Rock And Roll...

Yes...Rock music kicks a$s and is loved by all that enjoy music that hits hard and proud.The main idea here is to talk about great songs with "rock and roll" in either the title, lyrics or both.It can't be just "rock" or "roll" in the songs either, it has to be the whole thing, ya see?

Anyways, this is the start to the official "rock and roll" thread...

1. Rock And Roll Ain't Noise Pollution - AC/DC.

2. Rock And Roll Fantasy - Bad Company.

3. Rock And Roll Band - Boston.

4. Rock And Roll - Led Zeppelin.

5. Rock And Roll Is Dead - Lenny Kravitz.

6. You Can't Kill Rock And Roll - Ozzy Osbourne.

7. Rock And Roll All Nite - Kiss.

You got anymore ideas?Then put 'em up here, guys!!!
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