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Old 06-25-2006, 07:23 AM   #1 (permalink)
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Default Pointlessly long songs?

I was just listening to The Diamond Sea by Sonic Youth and the song is like 3 minutes long but then it goes on for about 17 minutes more with just 'noise'. I say if bands want to make long songs there has to be a point to them being long like The Trilogy last track on Daydream Nation.

Any other examples of bands just going several minutes too far?
"In this Catholic Club they never had the ****ing TV on and I was going, 'That Big Brother, it won't catch on. British people won't watch that ****.' And then they went, at nine o' clock, 'Shh!' and turned the telly on! It was, like, people asleep in bed. To me, I can't understand that. The encouraging thing is, 'You were right all along, Smith: people are stupid." - Mark E Smith
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