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Old 11-25-2004, 12:10 PM   #16 (permalink)
Unpatriot Act
Oi_To_The_World's Avatar
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Originally Posted by stargirl
i beleve that we needed a war but it shud have been 4 the right reasons and it wasntto find weapons it was to find oil
i think the current state of affairs is a bit more complex than that. btw, nearly all of the oil seized in iraq is useless and cannot be used in american/asian/euro cars.

as far as the election goes, i sympathize for anyone who is still upset with the results. i think its time to move on (if you havent already). you must accept that a large majority of america selected the lesser of two evils, which apparently was dubya.
more shockingly, the biggest issue among voters was moral values. and since americans know so much about moral values...
what is the mind?
no matter.
what is matter?
never mind.
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