Originally Posted by Raine
Chances are you were not prescribed Remeron because you got drunk and caught. Although I can only think of one logical reason for why you would've been prescribed any sort of medicine in that sorta situation and I don't think you should've been prescribed anything.
You were most likely prescribed medication because you were probably underaged and caught drinking. And I'm going to assume that you live in an area where there is a set age for drinking.
The fact is some people think these kidns of acts signal problems wrong with you. And the fact is you were prescribed this medication because your doctor believes that the only way to correct this sorta problematic behavior is with medication. Which is not true.
I'm sorry to say, but your family wasted money on a doctor that wasted your time.
Everyone is given a choice in life. You chose to drink. If you got cuaght, you should've been punished for it, not sent to a doctor or whatever.
And most doctors are required to do a complete medical examination of a patient before they prescribe them medication. This includes but is not lmimted to getting your family's medical history, finding out how many times you were in a hospital and for what reason. And usually you have to see a therapist for at least twice a week for about four weeks before medication should be mentioned. It's just assumed that in that amount of time the therapist has a very good understanding of your individual personality and can decide based on her analysis of you that you are either of sound mind or are not.
And the fact that you were prescribed anti-depressants and don't take them but you are functioning in society just means that you don't need the medication.
But that's not for me to determine, as i am not your doctor, nor am I a doctor.
My best suggestion to you is that you talk to your family about it. Or your doctor.
Yes Raine, I was prescribed Remeron directly because of the incident when I got drunk. The point I was making didn't have to do with my choice to drink, or the consequences of my actions. The point was that I went to a therapist for a week, then saw a doctor (for medication to be prescribed immediately). It's like it was already a done deal. He didn't consult my therapist or do a full medical examination. He asked my mother and I ten questions about my personality and gave me an anti-depressant. It's as if parents do not fully understand their children they think problems can be solved through a drug. Not true. When you said because I can function without taking meds means I don't need them I say: **** yeah. And I'm sure a lot of people don't need them (the girl for exams). I took aderol for exams last year just to cram studying. I didn't need it, so maybe it's not that PERSRIPTION drugs are looked at as problem starters, but problem solvers for the most part. People think medication is very advanced and that it can solve almost anything maybe. I'm not sure how to look at the unthoughtful flaws of society, the greediness of pharmaceutical companies, or the obligation given to doctors to correct problems faced by patients who don't need drugs. $hit's weak.