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Old 06-19-2006, 11:06 PM   #1 (permalink)
The Ten Thousandth Fist
Music Taste is Subjective
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Default Songs You Can't Stand... But Others Seem to Like

Title's rather self-explanatory... and this could also reach into bands as well if the thread sways that way. I'm not too particular.

But on to the songs...

I cannot stand listening to Hinder's "Get Stoned". I don't know why; it just grates on my ears whenever I hear it. The vocals are what get to me most, but the music is about on the same level.

I used to flip the dial whenever I heard "Gold Digger" by Kanye West come on, but that one's grown on me as of late and I can stomach it rather easily. One of the better Kanye songs I've heard (though I haven't heard a lot).
"There was nothing about her that a vasectomy of the vocal cords wouldn't fix."
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