Originally Posted by boo boo
Ron Thal is a highly capable guitarist, more so than Slash.... However, the last time GnR attempted to replace Slash with a more technically gifted guitarist (Buckethead) things didn't turn out so well for them.
There is a live video from 2001 (i think) of Axle's lineup with Buckethead, doing November Rain. It is horrible. I mean, apart from the fact that Axle took too many drugs and f**ked his voice, the solos are so way painful to listen to. Buckethead had nothing on Slash. It just sounded terrible. I have no muscial talent, i admit, but it doesn't take a genius to want to /wrists hearing him do the solos. He was looking at his guitar the whole time, like he didn't even know the song. No stage presence at all.
Ive had this conversation too many times with a GNR freak, so i guess i may also be slightly biased, but buckethead was not a good thing at all. As for Ron Thal, whilst interested i am to hear the new sound, i think i'd rather keep my love for GnR untainted by disappointment.
It's all a bit "inxs rockstar" i guess. A reality TV show to replace the singer of one of Australia's most successful rock bands. All a bit try-hard if you ask me. And besides, the "switch" album, totally ruined their sound, and i've so gone off them now.
So i might keep away from the new stuff. If i want to see GNR play, i reckon i'd even prefer a tribute band... because at least you sort of expect ruin anyway.