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Thread: Arctic Monkeys
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Old 06-08-2006, 08:47 PM   #211 (permalink)
Urban Hat€monger ?
The Sexual Intellectual
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Originally Posted by jr.
A guy I work with (he's from Great Britain) says they are the best band in the last five years. How accurate is that? I'm not knowledgable at all about this.
Thats not really saying much to be honest

They`re the best of a pretty sorry bunch it has to be said.Out of all the new bands that have had mainstream attention from the UK in the past 5 years they probably are the best.But there`s not really that much to choose from.
I still think The Go Team are the best British band of the last 5 years.

Urb's RYM Stuff

Most people sell their soul to the devil, but the devil sells his soul to Nick Cave.
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