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Old 06-08-2006, 01:40 AM   #4 (permalink)
Fish in the percolator!
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Originally Posted by Foo Fanatic
I wish liking particular music actually had something to do with the effort you put into it, but, alas, it seems to me that you just "like what you like" no matter what you do, and that's the end of it. Sad really.
Sometimes some bands just require a lot more listening to like. And sometimes you find out that you're listening to the wrong music by the band.

I never thought much of Nirvana until I heard more songs like Aero Zeppelin, Heart Shaped Box and Lake of Fire (despite it being a Meat Puppets cover). Now I like Nirvana - don't get me wrong, I prefer most other grunge bands like Alice in Chains, Soundgarden, Stone Temple Pilots and possibly Pearl Jam (need to listen to more of that). But nevertheless I now like Nirvana.
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