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Old 05-24-2006, 04:54 PM   #63 (permalink)
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Originally Posted by Twat Waffle
Are you serious? Those were the worst albums by both bands. Especially the Metallica one.
Slipknot Vol. 3 choice- Slipknot only had 2 albums come out after 2000,and Iowa is my least favoritre slipknot album, with "Slipknot" being my first, but because it was released in '99, couldnt pick that. Vol. 3 was ****ing amazing, i love that album.

Metallica St.Anger choice- ...worst metallica thats how most people view it...well, think about it, if it wasnt by Metallica, it would be considered a amazing cd, but because it had so much to live up not saying its the best metallica album (not even close) ...still its a great album in my opinion.
I'll beat you with your spinal cord
Split your skull in two
I'll feast on your intestines
There's nothing I can't do
I'll rip your heart out of your chest
Watch it beat as you cry
I revel in your agony
I violate and make you die
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