now here's the dogs
the first one i babysit sometimes.. she is the cutist thing in the world.. her name is magie and i think she;s around 3 years old
then here's blackie, he will be 10 years old in November on the day that toby died 10 years ago.. (creepy) and he no longer lives with me, but now with my father. along with puss puss..

but there still my pets, it just means my father is a *******
now here's Pupper Dogs, boo boo's best friend, she is the cutist thing in all worlds haha.. and she is my baby, i share my queen size bed with her.. she sleeps on one side with her head on the pillow with me and sharing blankets with me.. CUTE I KNOW! haha.. she will also be 3 years old in 4 months

boo and puppers are a day apart.