Music Banter - View Single Post - Top Ten PUNK Bands (post fall out boy at own risk)
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Old 11-13-2004, 10:05 AM   #31 (permalink)
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Join Date: Nov 2004
Location: somewhere that I wish I didn't
Posts: 2

If you've never heard of some of these bands it's because they aren't famous and aren't played on MTV everyday, not that MTV plays much rock anymore but I gave up on them a while back anyway. If you don't like my list feel free to say so, everbody's entiled to their opinions even if they are uneducated and based on fads and trends. just one thing, if you criticize my choices, fine, no problem, but if you do that instant messanger type abrreviated word thing like typing thanx, or punk rawk, or u instead of you and so on, I won't get angry, I'll just find out where you live, and lay eggs in your stomach while you're sleeping.

In no paticular order

The Misfits (old and new)
The Everdead (Decent band out of Michigan)
Dead Kennedys
Bad Religion
Agent Orange
Black Flag
AFI (I like their old stuff better, if they want to change,fine it's not my band)
The Bouncing Souls
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